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Multi Company Email Communications (Multi-Company Email)
This module allows Odoo users to specify a unique email address and signature per company.
Stock Barcodes
It provides read barcode on stock operations.
Partner first name and last name
Split first name and last name for non company partners
Module Auto Update
Automatically update Odoo modules
Partner last name uppercase
Uppercases the the last names of partners
Report Odoo errors to Sentry
Base Rule Visibility Restriction
Exclude Record Rules for certain groups
Spryng SMS Service
Send SMS via Spryng
Stock Picking Product Barcode Report
It provides a wizard to select how many barcodes print.
Barcode action launcher
Allows to use barcodes as a launcher
Base Menu Visibility Restriction
Restrict (with groups) menu visibilty
Partner External Maps
Add Map and Map Routing buttons on partner form to open GMaps, OSM, Bing and others
Bus Alt Connection
Needed when using PgBouncer as a connection pooler
Leaflet Map View (OpenStreetMap)
Add new 'leaflet_map' view, to display markers.
Leaflet Javascript Library
Bring leaflet.js librairy in odoo.
SQL Export (delta support)
Support exporting only the changes from last export
Partner fax
Add fax number on partner