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Mail Activity Reminder
Mail Activity Reminder
Reminder notifications about planned activities
Drag & drop emails to Odoo
Drag & drop emails to Odoo
Attach emails to Odoo by dragging them from your desktop
Mail Outbound Static
Mail Outbound Static
Allows you to configure the from header for a mail server.
Default Thread For Unbounded Emails
Default Thread For Unbounded Emails
Post unkonwn messages to an existing thread
Simple forms in mail activities
Simple forms in mail activities
Define editable and computed sections in mail activity descriptions
Discuss Extended
Discuss Extended
Extended view for chatter

Discover our highlighted app:
Suministro Inmediato de Información en el IVA

Email: force queue
Email: force queue
Force outgoing emails to be queued
Fetchmail by Date
Fetchmail by Date
Fetchmail by date and unseen messages