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Avalara Avatax Certified Connector
Compute Sales Tax using the Avalara Avatax Service
SIGAUS - Facturación
Sistema de gestión de aceites industriales usados en España - Facturación
nfe spec
nfe spec
Account Move Number Sequence
Generate journal entry number from sequence
BI View Editor
Graphical BI views builder for Odoo
Account Financial Risk
Manage customer risk
Mexico - Electronic Invoicing
Allow generating CFDI (Comprobante Fiscal Digital por Internet)
Account Invoice Alternate Payer
Set a alternate payor/payee in invoices
SIGAUS - Ventas
Sist. gestión aceites industriales usados en España - Ventas
Romania - Payment to Statement
Add payment to cash statement
Account Payment Return Import
This module adds a generic wizard to import payment returnfile formats. Is only the base to be extended by anothermodules
Account Partner Required
Adds an option 'partner policy' on accounts
Account Fiscal Year
Create Account Fiscal Year