Oocademy is world's first Odoo technical training platform. Easy-to-follow tutorials, documentation, exams and more!

Apps from Oocademy
Tutorial chatter functionalities
Tutorial chatter functionalities
Tutorial about how to create and use chatter functionalities in Odoo
Tutorial activity views
Tutorial activity views
Tutorial about how to create and use activity views
Tutorial status bar
Tutorial status bar
Tutorial about how to create and use statusbars in Odoo
Tutorial add archiving option
Tutorial add archiving option
Tutorial about how to add the archiving feature on a model
E-docs from Oocademy
Install Odoo with Nginx and LetsEncrypt
Install Odoo with Nginx and LetsEncrypt

In this tutorial you will learn how to install and configure Nginx. After installing and configuring you'll learn how to add free SSL certificates with Letsencrypt.
This e-learning document will teach you how to deploy a production ready Odoo with step by step info and screenshots. 

Creating grid views in Odoo
Creating grid views in Odoo

In this tutorial you will learn how to create and use your own grid views in Odoo.
This e-learning document will teach you how to build grid views step by step with code and information.

Creating QWeb views in Odoo
Creating QWeb views in Odoo

In this tutorial you will learn how to create your own QWeb reports in Odoo.
This e-learning document will teach you how to build your own QWeb (PDF) reports step by step with code and information.

Creating calculator fields in Odoo
Creating calculator fields in Odoo

In this tutorial you will learn how to create calculator fields and how to use the calculator widget.
This e-learning document will teach you how to build calculator fields step by step with code and information.