Stralsund, Berlin, Hamburg, Wiesbaden
For more than 10 years, our formula for success has been simple:
We focus on helping modern companies use the smartest software to run their business: Odoo! In doing so, we always have the goal of optimizing our customers' business processes with individual Odoo solutions and thus driving their entrepreneurial success.
Whether B2C or B2B, in Germany, Austria or Switzerland - our customers include online and multichannel retailers, IT service providers, manufacturers and many more. We know the individual challenges of each industry and adapt Odoo to every need. For comprehensive project support, we stand by you as a long-term partner with the largest German-speaking Odoo developer team as well as experienced management and digital experts.
Our service includes:
✔ Successful implementation and operation support for Odoo
✔ Integration of Odoo into your existing IT structures
✔ Functional and technical Odoo training as well as training workshops
✔ customized app development based on your requirements
✔ Professional Odoo hosting including first level support