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Employee Age
Employee Age
Age field for employee
Employee Appraisals
Employee Appraisals
Periodical Evaluations, Appraisals, Surveys
Employee Compensation
Employee Compensation
Add compensation request feature
Employee Compensation Leaves
Employee Compensation Leaves
This module provide functionality regarding compensation leaves for an employee.
Employee Compensation Project
Employee Compensation Project
Compensation Project Management Enhancements Employee Compensation Project Compensation Project Compensation Project Employee

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Suministro Inmediato de Información en el IVA

Employee Recruitment Recruit
Employee Recruitment Recruit
Age field for employee
Employee Seniority
Employee Seniority
Keep Track of Length of Employment
Employee external Partner
Employee external Partner
Associate an external Partner to Employee
Employee identification
Employee identification
Record more data about employee's identity documents
Employee own info
Employee own info
Employee can see own information
Employees study field
Employees study field
Structured study field for employees
Expense Exception
Expense Exception
Custom exceptions on expense report
Expense Move Date
Expense Move Date
Move date for HR expenses journal entries