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Sanitize Working Email Address
Sanitize Working Email Address
Strict validation of employee email addresses to prevent mistakes
Custom Background
Custom Background
Custom Background
Purchase Order security
Purchase Order security
See only your purchase orders
Let's Encrypt
Let's Encrypt
Request SSL certificates from
Onchange Helper
Onchange Helper
Technical module that ease execution of onchange in Python code
Product Categories - Company Favorites
Product Categories - Company Favorites
Possilibity to set favorite product categories per company

Discover our highlighted app:
Product Categories - Company Favorites

Possilibity to set favorite product categories per ...

Web Access Rules Buttons
Web Access Rules Buttons
Disable Edit button if access rules prevent this action
Purchase Default Terms Conditions
Purchase Default Terms Conditions
This module allows purchase default terms & conditions
NUTS Regions
Tutorial creating and using automated tests
Tutorial creating and using automated tests
Provides an example module for testing.
French Departments (Départements)
French Departments (Départements)
Populate Database with French Departments (Départements)
Company Code
Company Code
Add 'code' field on company model
Tutorial creating custom smartbuttons
Tutorial creating custom smartbuttons
Tutorial about how to create and add smart buttons to views
ITA - Scissione pagamenti
ITA - Scissione pagamenti
Scissione pagamenti