OpenEduCat Admission

OpenEduCat Admission


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OpenEduCat Admission

Admission Management

This module allows you to manage admission process efficiently. You can set fees details & adds constrains to admission process through admission register.

Create Admission Process

Create admission register to initiate admission process. You can set fees details, time duration, maximum no. of application & other details.

Create Application, Pay Fees & Be Student

Based on admission register applicant can apply for particular course and goes under different stages. Make fees payment & proceed to create student.

Fees Payment

Create invoice for admission fees, make payment & proceed for enrollment of student.

Time Period based Report

Admission analysis report gives brief details about admissions for particular period of time.

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Python dependencies

Package Version Secured
python_dateutil 2.9.0.post0
This app is not translated in any languages, it is only available in English.