Auth JWT

Auth JWT


Technical name
Secure dependencies
Auth JWT

Auth JWT

Beta License: AGPL-3 OCA/server-auth Translate me on Weblate Try me on Runboat

JWT bearer token authentication.

Table of contents


This module requires the pyjwt library to be installed.


This module lets developpers add a new jwt authentication method on Odoo controller routes.

To use it, you must:

  • Create an auth.jwt.validator record to configure how the JWT token will be validated.
  • Add an auth="jwt_{validator-name}" attribute to the routes you want to protect where {validator-name} corresponds to the name attribute of the JWT validator record.

The auth_jwt_demo module provides examples.

The JWT validator can be configured with the following properties:

  • name: the validator name, to match the auth="jwt_{validator-name}" route property.
  • audience: a comma-separated list of allowed audiences, used to validate the aud claim.
  • issuer: used to validate the iss claim.
  • Signature type (secret or public key), algorithm, secret and JWK URI are used to validate the token signature.

In addition, the exp claim is validated to reject expired tokens.

If the Authorization HTTP header is missing, malformed, or contains an invalid token, the request is rejected with a 401 (Unauthorized) code.

If the token is valid, the request executes with the configured user id. By default the user id selection strategy is static (i.e. the same for all requests) and the selected user is configured on the JWT validator. Additional strategies can be provided by overriding the _get_uid() method and extending the user_id_strategy selection field.

The selected user is not stored in the session. It is only available in request.uid (and thus it is the one used in request.env). To avoid any confusion and mismatches between the bearer token and the session, this module rejects requests made with an authenticated user session.

Additionally, if a partner_id_strategy is configured, a partner is searched and if found, its id is stored in the request.jwt_partner_id attribute. If partner_id_required is set, a 401 (Unauthorized) is returned if no partner was found. Otherwise request.jwt_partner_id is left falsy. Additional strategies can be provided by overriding the _get_partner_id() method and extending the partner_id_strategy selection field.

The decoded JWT payload is stored in request.jwt_payload.

Known issues / Roadmap

CORS support is problematic in Odoo before 14.0. This means the demo SPA in auth_jwt_demo does not work as is. To make it work, you need to serve it from the same URL as Odoo, or backport

This might also be worked around in auth_jwt by detecting the cors preflight request and not requiring auth in that case.

This is left for future work, as my current focus is Odoo 14.0.

Bug Tracker

Bugs are tracked on GitHub Issues. In case of trouble, please check there if your issue has already been reported. If you spotted it first, help us to smash it by providing a detailed and welcomed feedback.

Do not contact contributors directly about support or help with technical issues.






This module is maintained by the OCA.

Odoo Community Association

OCA, or the Odoo Community Association, is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to support the collaborative development of Odoo features and promote its widespread use.

Current maintainer:


This module is part of the OCA/server-auth project on GitHub.

You are welcome to contribute. To learn how please visit

0.0 / 5.0
based on 0 ratings

Python dependencies

Package Version Secured
Werkzeug 0.16.1
PyJWT 2.8.0
This app has automated tests.
This app is not translated in any languages, it is only available in English.