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Translate Country States
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Translate Country States
Thai Localization - Convert Amount Text to Thai

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Suministro Inmediato de Información en el IVA

Switzerland - MIS reports
Switzerland - MIS reports
Specific MIS reports for switzerland localization
Switzerland - Invoice Reports with payment option
Switzerland - Invoice Reports with payment option
Extend invoice to add ISR/QR payment slip
Switzerland - ISR-B
Switzerland - ISR-B
Switzerland - ISR with Bank
Switzerland - ISR payment grouping
Switzerland - ISR payment grouping
Extend account to ungroup ISR
Switzerland - Bank type
Switzerland - Bank type
Types and number validation for swiss electronic pmnt. DTA, ESR
Romania - eFactura Account EDI UBL
Romania - eFactura Account EDI UBL
Romania - eFactura - Account EDI UBL
Romania - VAT on Payment
Romania - VAT on Payment
Romania - VAT on Payment
Romania - Stock Picking Valued Report
Romania - Stock Picking Valued Report
Romania - Stock Picking Valued Report
Romania - Stock Picking Comment Template
Romania - Stock Picking Comment Template
This model is going to add a a header and a footer at picking report depeding on the operation type.
Romania - Stock Accounting Reception In progress
Romania - Stock Accounting Reception In progress
Romania - Stock Accounting Reception In progress