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Personal information page for contacts
Personal information page for contacts
Add a page to contacts form to put personal information
Contact gender
Contact gender
Add gender field to contacts
Partner phonecalls schedule
Partner phonecalls schedule
Track the time and days your partners expect phone calls
CRM Timesheet
Partner Priority
Partner Priority
Adds priority to partners.

Discover our highlighted app:
Suministro Inmediato de Información en el IVA

Firstname and Lastname in Leads
Firstname and Lastname in Leads
Specify split names for contacts in leads
Partner CoC
Partner CoC
Adds field 'Chamber Of Commerce Registration Number'
Secondary phone number on partners
Secondary phone number on partners
Adds a secondary phone number on partners
Crm Lead Search in Archive
Crm Lead Search in Archive
Add a filter to search both in active/archive lead
Partner unique reference
Partner unique reference
Add an unique constraint to partner ref field
Partner Data VIES Populator
Partner Data VIES Populator
Using VIES webservice, name and address information will be fetched and added to the partner.
Partner VAT Unique
Partner VAT Unique
Module to make the VAT number unique for customers and suppliers.
Contact nationality
Contact nationality
Add nationality field to contacts
Claims Management
Claims Management
Track your customers/vendors claims and grievances.