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web_widget_x2many_2d_matrix example
web_widget_x2many_2d_matrix example
A small example on how to use `web_widget_x2many_2d_matrix`.
Set single_page_hidden to false in Pager widget options
server configuration environment files
server configuration environment files
move some configurations out of the database
BI View Editor
BI View Editor
Graphical BI views builder for Odoo

Discover our highlighted app:
BI View Editor

Graphical BI views builder for Odoo

Add option to archive product categories
Support for replicating Odoo's database
nfe spec
nfe spec
nfe spec
eCommrece Product Minimum Quantity
eCommrece Product Minimum Quantity
This modules support for eCommrece Product Minimum Quantity.
eCommrece Product Maximum Quantity
eCommrece Product Maximum Quantity
This modules support for eCommrece Product Maximum Quantity.
eCommerce: charge payment fee
eCommerce: charge payment fee
Payment fee charged to customer
eCommerce: Product model viewer
eCommerce: Product model viewer
3D model viewer for e-commerce products
eCommerce product attachments
eCommerce product attachments
Let visitors download attachments from a product page
eCommerce Category Descriptions
eCommerce Category Descriptions
Display a description for each eCommerce category
e-commerce required VAT
e-commerce required VAT
VAT number required in checkout form
Filter databases with HTTP headers