PWA for Odoo (Progressive Web Application)

PWA for Odoo (Progressive Web Application)

14.00 €

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This version of the app is no longer available for downloading.

PWA for Odoo

PWA for Odoo Backend and Frontend

You can manage manifest of your PWA:

Manifest Form

After adding a PWA manifest user will see installation promoting:

Installation Promotion Desktop

Installation Promotion Desktop 2

Offline Page Fallback

If user is offline (no internet connection) the fallback page will display

Offline Page Desktop

Offline Page Mobile

Modules Update Indicator

Also the module checks and shows the number of updated modules in the system so that user refreshes the page in order to updates take effect

Desktop Interface

When you upload the new version of any module, the system will show special icon with counter for system users. The indicator draws attention of users to the fact that they need to refresh the page in order to frontend updates take effect.

When user clicks the icon or reloads page, the indicator will disappear.

Counter Desktop

The hint is displayed when mouse hovers the counter:

Counter Hint

Administrator can change interval of checking in milliseconds. 10 min is set by default (600000 ms):

Timeout Config

Contact me for Support, Customization, Implementation:
Email: [email protected]
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This app does not use any external Python dependencies.
This app is not translated in any languages, it is only available in English.